Equipped for the Narrow Road

It’s not easy to follow Jesus.

Life on the narrow road is full of challenges. The uphill climb littered with pitfalls and traps set by the enemy is often grueling. Attacks are relentless as he throws difficulties into our path for the purpose of slowing us down or derailing us completely.

It’s also full of difficult and painful choices. Choosing to surrender, submit, and deny our self creates a struggle within our soul that often leaves us wondering if we can actually live this life. When we gave our life to Jesus, we were prepared to surrender our burden but not necessarily our will.

Battles from both within and without leave us feeling inadequate and wondering if we’re cut out for all this. There’s so much we don’t know. So much we don’t understand. So much we feel unprepared for. We wonder if we really have what it takes to stay on the path and follow Jesus.

The answer is yes. Yes, you have everything you need to live victoriously on the narrow road.

Second Peter 1:3 fills us full of hope as it declares: By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. The moment you stepped into relationship with Father God through Jesus Christ, He miraculously gave you everything you would ever need to live a life that honors and pleases Him. Everything – lacking nothing. You’ll never find yourself in a place where you do not have precisely what you need to overcome, advance, and experience victory – all of which honor and please Him.

The bonus in this promise is you don’t have to wait on supplies to arrive. Father God has already given everything to you. Notice it’s past tense, meaning it’s done. Everything you need is yours. You have it. You only need to access it, grab hold of it, use it.

And, the second part of 2Peter 1:3 tells us how to access it. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.We lay hold of all He has given us by knowing Father God. This is not obtaining surface information or having a casual acquaintance, but it’s digging in to discover Him personally, experientially, and intimately— having depth in your relationship. And, as we dive into the depths of God’s being we discover that we have received God’s Spirit (not the world’s spirit), so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us (1Corinthians 2:12). We are equipped with His Spirit who reveals to us all that we have been given so that we do not miss the rest of the treasures He’s deposited within.

Yes, following Jesus is not easy.

Yes, the narrow road is long and arduous.

Yes, the battles you face are intense and fierce.

Yes, the internal struggle to surrender and submit is painful.

But – you have not been left to fend for yourself. You do not travel empty handed. You have been fully equipped for the journey. You have the ability to fully access your equipment. You have a resident Teacher who will show you the amazing things you’ve been given as He helps and teaches you all things (John 14:26). You are complete and lack nothing because you are in Jesus (Colossians 2:10).

And that is really good news.

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