Thought to share: Hope comes from ME alone. You’ll find many people and things that offer you hope, however; they are empty promises that only leave you empty-handed and more desperate than before. Stop looking for them to fill you with assurances and prop up your emotions. Instead, be filled with the confident expectation of what I have promised as you rest in MY faithfulness. Focus on all I have already done! This will cause hope to soar and fill your soul with joy. That is abundant living!
Psalm 33:20-22 (TPT) The Lord alone is our radiant hope and we trust in Him with all our hearts. His wrap-around presence will strengthen us. As we trust, we rejoice with an uncontained joy flowing from Yahweh! Let your love and steadfast kindness overshadow us continually, for we trust and we wait upon You!
Psalm 78:7 (NLT) So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting His glorious miracles and obeying His commands.
Psalm 39:7 (TPT) And now, God, I’m left with one conclusion: my only hope is to hope in You alone!
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