Wednesday, November 15
So let’s talk about our thoughts. That’s where the words start. Our words are shaped by our attitude. An attitude (or mindset) is the habitual, typical and normal thought process (your way of thinking) that determines how you will interpret (understand and receive) information and situations you encounter, and dictates how you will respond to that information and those situations. These constant patterns of thinking establish our perspective and create the lens through which we see life.
All of that works together to form the words we say. We never accidentally say anything. It’s hard to say: “I didn’t mean it” about anything we say. Every word was formed by our thoughts about that subject or person. Jesus said it this way in Luke 6:45What you say flows from what is in your heart. In the Greek, that word heart is kardia (kar-dee-ah). It means the heart, mind, inner life. Every word was thought through and established. So, we may not have meant to say it out loud, but the words themselves were not an accident. They were premeditated. Our attitude shapes our words. Our thoughts form pathways for those words to slide from our brain to our lips.
So, if we want to change and stop complaining, criticizing, and grumbling, then we have to first address our thoughts. We have to deal with what’s going on in our heart. When our heart is full of jealousy, envy, resentment, dissatisfaction, bitterness, un-forgiveness and offense, your language easily converts to complaining, criticism and arguing.
Pray Psalm 139:23-24(NLT) Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting lifeAsk Abba to reveal complaining and criticism – those attitudes that are tucked away and those hidden in plain sight. Pray Psalm 19:14 (NLT) May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. Express your desire for every thought to please Him so that every word honors Him.
Read and meditate on Luke 6:43-45, Matthew 12:33-37 and Proverbs 27:19, Proverbs 4:23. Journal what Holy Spirit is showing you.
*As you end your day, don’t forget to ask yourself the Reflection Questions and record your answers! AND connect with your accountability partner!
Comments 2
Thanks for stopping by to share! This is such a powerful Truth. When we practice this, it’s life-changing!