There’s a lot of buzz going on today about the release of the movie 50 Shades of Grey (2015)– and now its sequel, 50 Shades Darker (2017). As a follower of Jesus, I certainly have an opinion on the movie(s) and the book that inspired it. I’ve also got one on pornography in general.
As I have read about the effects of pornography and counseled with those struggling with pornography issues, I have formed the following opinions:
- there is overwhelming medical, scientific and sociological evidence detailing the destructive nature of pornography
- porn is dangerously addictive – often after one experience
- the effects of porn are “toxic” and produces the same effects of cocaine on the brain
- porn desensitizes us to the natural gratification of pleasure and leads to sexual dysfunction
- porn users/addicts have a higher risk of engaging in dangerous or unhealthy sexual activity with an increased risk of STDs
- porn users/addicts tend to isolate themselves from family, friends and coworkers and develop antisocial behavior
- porn users/addicts have a higher divorce rate
- porn users/addicts have greater financial troubles
- porn users/addicts have greater difficulties with school or work and experience job loss more often
- porn produces excessive feelings of shame, guilt and condemnation
- porn dehumanizes; reducing humans to sexual commodities that can be bought, sold, used and discarded
- porn devalues all humans – particularly women
- porn makes violence “sexy”
- porn contributes to the world-wide problem of sex-trafficking and sex-slavery
- porn takes our minds to places it should not go with people we are not married to
In my opinion, any form of porn (even soft) or viewing intimate encounters that were intended for the privacy of the marriage relationship or any form of sex that is made public is wrong. Even if they are “married” in the movie – they probably aren’t married in real life. And if they are – do I really want to see that? Do I need to see that?
But let’s be honest – what difference does my opinion make? Opinions are a dime a dozen. The only thought on this subject (or any subject) that matters is Abba’s thoughts. And His is the only one we should care about.
1John 2:16 (Amp) tells us the craving for sensual gratification and the greedy longing of our mind does not come from our Father but are products of the world. Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:28 that anyone who looks at a woman [or any human] with lust or desire has already committed adultery. And we know how Abba feels about adultery. Philippians 4:8 (Amp) tells us to fix our thoughts on those things that are honorable, pure, gracious, virtuous (moral and righteous – thoughts that are in right standing with God), and worthy of praise. Porn does not meet any of this Biblical criteria.
But, more important than the effect of porn on our mind, relationships, finances, the female gender or society is the impact it makes on our spirit – the everlasting part of our being. That part of us that will exist forever.
1Corinthians 6:9-11 tells us that those who commit adultery or indulge in sexual sin will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Galatians 5:19-21 repeats this same warning. And Hebrews 12:14 tells us without holiness, we cannot see the Lord. Porn is not holy and it brings unholiness into our lives. Engaging in pornography equates adultery and is sexual sin.
I have to ask myself the questions: Does the short term thrill of a poorly written novel compare to the length of eternity? Is a sexy movie worth missing the Kingdom of God?
There are no grey areas in the pornography department. It’s very clear cut – black and white. Porn – reading, watching or engaging in – is sin. Sin opens the door to the enemy in our life. Sin separates us from the Presence of God. Sin keeps us from the Kingdom of God.
end note: please understand I am not passing judgment. I am however stating what the Bible says about sexual sins and lust. Those are His words – not mine.
Comments 8
Should have had you write the intro to my book. Awesome!!
Thank you Jimmie. I appreciate you stopping by and joining the conversation!
This is so great!
Thank you Danielle! I’m glad you stopped by to read and comment. No matter how we disguise it, porn is porn and it’s so dangerous, damaging and devaluing to everyone involved.
my feelings are the same as yours, porn degrades a person, and Abba did not create humans to be animlals but to be special.
Thanks for sharing Allan!